Every client who graduates from our treatment program receives continuing care after he or she leaves Passages Addiction Cure Center.
A continuing care program is just that: a program that continues the excellent care you or your loved one received while at Passages. The program begins the first week of your stay and continues every week until you leave. Each week the program deepens as we discover more ways in which we can assist you after you leave Passages. During sessions, we provide you with options that are hand tailored to suit your situation when you return home. For example, if you want a sober coach, we’ll find one for you. If you need a sober living environment, we’ll also find that for you. If you need to enroll in a gym, we’ll set it up for you. We become thoroughly familiar with each client. If you were previously working with a therapist and want to continue with that person, we will contact the therapist, make arrangements, and give the therapist any recommendations we may have that will assist in your continuing care program. If you need therapy and do not have a previous therapist, we will locate a therapist in the desired therapy field and arrange an appointment for when you return home. We will also brief the therapist in the areas of importance.
We also have a group of recovery coaches and spiritual counselors who provide phone sessions with you to work on any potential triggers that may arise after returning home and who will assist you in achieving any goals you might have now that you are sober. For clients with busy schedules, these phone sessions are convenient and highly effective.
In your final session before leaving, we go over your individual continuing care packet. In this packet, each therapist with whom you have worked inserts his or her personal recommendations and goals for when you return home. All appointments, addresses, and contact information for your continuing care therapists and the Passages continuing care personnel are also included in this packet.
That level of care and concern for graduates cannot be found anywhere else in the world. We strive to ensure that you receive the finest care available when you are no longer at Passages Addiction Cure Center, and our clients tell us they feel as if they will always be a part of us.